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우주 물질 연구소(국문 홈페이지)


연구 실적

제목 - 설명
  • Impact of hypernova {\nu} p-process nucleosynthesis on the galactic chemical evolution of Mo and Ru

    • 등록일
    • 조회수
Hirokazu Sasaki, Yuta Yamazaki, Toshitaka Kajino, Motohiko Kusakabe, Takehito Hayakawa, Myung-Ki Cheoun, Heamin Ko, Grant J Mathews
게시 날짜
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.01679
We calculate Galactic Chemical Evolution (GCE) of Mo and Ru by taking into account the contribution from -process nucleosynthesis. We estimate yields of -nuclei such as  and  through the -process in various supernova (SN) progenitors based upon recent models. In particular, the -process in energetic hypernovae produces a large amount of -nuclei compared to the yield in ordinary core-collapse SNe. Because of this the abundances of  and  in the Galaxy are significantly enhanced at [Fe/H]=0 by the -process. We find that the -process in hypernovae is the main contributor to the elemental abundance of Mo at low metallicity [Fe/H. Our theoretical prediction of the elemental abundances in metal-poor stars becomes more consistent with observational data when the -process in hypernovae is taken into account.
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