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우주 물질 연구소(국문 홈페이지)


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제목 - 설명
  • Extension of the generator coordinate method with basis optimization

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Extension of the generator coordinate method with basis optimization

Moemi Matsumoto , Yusuke Tanimura , and Kouichi Hagino

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.108.L051302

The generator coordinate method (GCM) has been a well-known method to describe nuclear collective
motions. In this method, one specifies a priori the relevant collective degrees of freedom as input of the method,
based on empirical and/or phenomenological assumptions. We here propose a new extension of the GCM, in
which both the basis Slater determinants and weight factors are optimized according to the variational principle.
Applying this method to 16O and 28Si nuclei with the Skyrme functional, we demonstrate that the optimized
bases correspond to excited states along a collective path, unlike the conventional GCM which superposes
only the local ground states. This implies that a collective coordinate for large amplitude collective motions
is determined in a much more complex way than what has been assumed so far.

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