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우주 물질 연구소(국문 홈페이지)


연구 실적

제목 - 설명
  • Evaluation of the performance of event reconstruction algorithms in the JSNS2 experiment using a 252Cf calibration source

    • 등록일
    • 조회수


Title : Evaluation of the performance of event reconstruction algorithms in the JSNS2 experiment using a 252Cf calibration source


Authors : D.H. Lee, M.K. Cheoun, J.H. Choi, J.Y. Choi, T. Dodo, J. Goh, K. Haga, M. Harada, S. Hasegawa, et al.


Journal : Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment



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