53 |
Origin of circular dichroism in resonant elastic x-ray scattering from magnetic and polar chiral structures
2022.07.11 |
151 |
52 |
Search for Z ′ → μ + μ − in the L μ − L τ gauge-symmetric model at Belle
2022.07.08 |
188 |
51 |
Conceptual Design Report of DaRveX: Decay at Rest + Lead Cross Section Measurement at J-PARC MLF
2022.07.01 |
120 |
50 |
Evolution of Kinetic and Magnetic Energy in a Large Magnetic Prandtl Number System
2022.06.13 |
146 |
49 |
Google Trends as a Predictor of Presidential Elections and Analysis of the Korean Presidential Election in 2022
2022.05.31 |
161 |
48 |
An improved search for the electric dipole moment of the τ lepton
2022.05.25 |
147 |
47 |
Conceptual Design Report of DaRveX: Decay at Rest + Lead Cross Section Measurement at J-PARC MLF
2022.05.24 |
167 |
46 |
Deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum with a point-coupling functional. II. Examples of odd Nd isotopes
2022.05.03 |
181 |
45 |
Phase transition of the restricted solid‑on‑solid model via deposition probabilities in higher dimensions
2022.04.29 |
120 |
44 |
Direct measurement of correlation length in one‑dimensional contact process
2022.04.29 |
120 |