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우주 물질 연구소(국문 홈페이지)


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제목 - 설명
  • Shell evolution of kinetic, potential and binding energies of N=Z nuclei in s–d shell in a deformed Woods–Saxon potential with the pairing correlation energies

    • 등록일
    • 조회수
Eunja Ha, Seonghyun Kim, Myung-Ki Cheoun
게시 날짜 2021/5
저널 Journal of the Korean Physical Society
권 78
호 9
페이지 761-769
게시자 The Korean Physical Society
We discuss the evolution of single particle state (SPS) energies by the deformation within a deformed Woods–Saxon potential. Since the SPS energy (SPSE) is based on the concept of one-body potential, we decompose it into kinetic and potential energy, and consider the modification of total binding energy (TBE) beyond the one-body potential by the pairing correlations. Evolution of each energy is detailed numerically. The TBEs of nuclei in s–d shell are obtained in terms of the deformation by minimizing the TBE. Our results infer that a simple summation of the SPSE is not enough to explain experimental TBEs, so that we suggest how to properly obtain the TBE and the reasonable deformation beyond the deformed Woods–Saxon potential by including realistic pairing interactions by G-Matrix.
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