발표자: 천명기(공동연구원)
발표제목: Symmetry energy and the nuclear mass table
발표자: Tsuyoshi Miyatsu(연구교수)
발표제목 : Equation of state for massive neutron stars with small radii
발표자: 박주빈(연구교수)
발표제목: Constraints on big bang nucleosynthesis in Starobinsky gravity model with one additional term
발표자: 박기완(연구교수)
발표제목: Permittivity in a magnetized plasma
발표자: Gilberto Ramalho(연구교수)
발표제목: Electromagnetic and axial form factor of baryons in nuclear medium
발표자: 김상호(연구교수)
발표제목: Meson-induced reactions with a Regge model
발표자: 윤채민(연구원)
발표제목: An exact standard RDE solution residing in higher-order gravity
발표자: 고혜민(석사 후 연구원)
발표제목: The neutrino process in core-collapse supernova with strong magnetic field
발표자: 이채윤(박사과정)
발표제목: Neutrino-208Pb reaction
발표자: 이민규(박사과정)
발표제목: Big Bang chemistry with Tom Abel code
발표자: 허경수(박사과정)
발표제목: Coulomb excitation of 1-neutron