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우주 물질 연구소(국문 홈페이지)


연구 실적

제목 - 설명
  • [국제학술대회]KPS 70th Anniversary and 2022 Fall Meeting(2022.10.18-21)

    • 등록일
    • 조회수


발표자: 이재환(연구원)

발표제목:  Laplacian roughening model on kagome and honeycomb lattices


발표자: 박주빈(연구교수)

발표제목:  Constraints on big bang nucleosynthesis in Starobinsky gravity model with one additional term


발표자: 박기완(연구교수)

발표제목: Negative permittivity in a magnetized plasma system


발표자: 김상호(연구교수)

발표제목:  Rescattering effects on the K- p → K Ξ reaction


발표자: P Karuna Kumari(연구원)

발표제목:  Theoretical investigation of ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties in quasi-one-dimensional


발표자: 문명환(연구원)

발표제목: An exact standard RDE solution residing in higher-order gravity



발표자: 박지원(석사 후 연구원)

발표제목:  f(R) gravity with a broken Weyl symmetry, CMB anisotropy,
and possible resolution for Hubble tension



발표자: 이민규(박사과정)

발표제목:  Big Bang Chemistry Study Using Tom Abel’s Code


발표자: 최민철(박사과정)

발표제목:  First-principles study on the ferroelectric ground state of A-cation ordered perovskite BaSrBi2O6


발표자: 유수정(석사과정)

발표제목: Modulation of electronic properties of MoS2 nanoflakes: geometrical shapes and vacancy


발표자: 이채윤(박사과정)

발표제목:  ν_e+(_^208)Pb reaction

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