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  • Mixing Angles in Spin-Flavor Oscillation of Majorana Neutrinos

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Mixing Angles in Spin-Flavor Oscillation of Majorana Neutrinos


Ji Young Choi1*, Jubin Park2†

1Department of Fire Safety, Seoyeong University, Gwangju 61268, Korea
2Department of Physics and Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxy (OMEG) Institute, Soongsil University, Seoul 06978, Korea


More mixing angles appear naturally when considering the spin-flip of a neutrino caused by an external magnetic field. For example, when considering neutrino oscillation (in matter) with two flavors, one mixing angle is sufficient to explain the oscillation, but if the oscillation includes both spins and flavors, six mixing angles are required. In this study, we discuss how several of mixing angles can be obtained in the spin-flavor oscillation of Majorana neutrinos and introduce a general method for this task. We also briefly discuss how to calculate the survival and transition probabilities of Majorana neutrinos using the obtained mixing angles.

Keywords: Mixing angles, Spin-Flavor Oscillation, Majorana Neutrino, Magnetic Field, Spin-flip


New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2022; 72: 761-768

Published online October 31, 2022 https://doi.org/10.3938/NPSM.72.761

Copyright © New Physics: Sae Mulli.

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