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  • Laplacian roughening model on kagome and honeycomb lattices

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Laplacian roughening model on kagome and honeycomb lattices


저자: Jae Hwan Lee , Jin Min Kim

저널: Physica A

색인: 우주물질연구소 (2021R6A1A0343957)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2023.128979

We investigate the Laplacian roughening model on kagome and honeycomb lattices.
By using the Wang–Landau algorithm, we obtain the density of states, and calculate
both the specific heat and the partition function zeros. Critical exponents and transition
temperature are measured by means of the finite-size scaling analysis. The results
indicate strong evidences that the system undergoes a single first-order phase transition
on both lattices. On triangular and square lattices, a single second-order transition was
found in our previous studies. It seems that the type of transition in the Laplacian
roughening model depends on the substrate lattice structures.

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