연구 실적
번호 | 제목 | 파일 | 등록일 | 조회수 |
62 | [국제학술대회]PASCOS 2022(2022.07.25-29) | 2022.07.29 | 131 | |
61 | Deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum with a point-coupling functional. II. Examples of odd Nd isotopes | 2022.07.27 | 198 | |
60 | [국제학술대회]APCTP Focus Program in Nuclear Physics 2022(2022.07.18-23) | 2022.07.23 | 122 | |
59 | Yukawa alignment revisited in the Higgs basis | 2022.07.22 | 137 | |
58 | [국제학술대회]ISPSA 2022(2022.07.17-21) | 2022.07.21 | 121 | |
57 | [국제학술대회]APCTP Workshop on Nuclear Physics 2022(2022.07.11-16) | 2022.07.16 | 116 | |
56 | Origin of circular dichroism in resonant elastic x-ray scattering from magnetic and polar chiral structures | 2022.07.11 | 159 | |
55 | Search for Z ′ → μ + μ − in the L μ − L τ gauge-symmetric model at Belle | 2022.07.08 | 194 | |
54 | [국내학술대회]Inha HTG Workshop: Modern issues in Hadronic Physics(2022.07.07-08) | 2022.07.08 | 110 | |
53 | [국내학술대회]제18회 고등과학원 전자구조계산학회(2022.07.07-08) | 2022.07.07 | 119 |