연구 실적
번호 | 제목 | 파일 | 등록일 | 조회수 |
132 | Effects of Residual Tensor and Pairing Forces on the Gamow–Teller states in Magic Nuclei, 48Ca, 90Zr, 132Sn, and 208Pb | 2024.06.24 | 129 | |
131 | Background study of the AMoRE-pilot experiment | 2024.06.12 | 154 | |
130 | Nuclear mass table in deformed relativistic Hartree–Bogoliubov theory in continuum, II: Even-Z nuclei | 2024.06.12 | 121 | |
129 | Radioassay of the materials for AMoRE-II experiment | 2024.06.12 | 121 | |
128 | Effects of center-of-mass correction and nucleon anomalous magnetic moments on nuclear charge radii | 2024.05.29 | 125 | |
127 | About the magnitude of the γ ∗ N → N ( 1520 ) transverse amplitudes near Q 2 = 0 | 2024.04.16 | 123 | |
126 | φ Meson Photoproduction on the Nucleon and 4He Targets | 2024.03.14 | 145 | |
125 | Frustrated Ising model with competing interactions on a square lattice | 2024.03.04 | 142 | |
124 | Electromagnetic transition form factors of baryon resonances | 2024.02.14 | 140 | |
123 | Suppression of the elastic scattering cross section for the 17Ne + 208Pb system | 2024.02.13 | 125 |