112 |
Number of virtual photons in the Coulomb dipole excitation
2023.06.26 |
167 |
111 |
Can the PREX-2 and CREX results be understood by relativistic mean-field models with the astrophysical constraints?
2023.06.19 |
178 |
110 |
Double-strangeness exchange reactions in a hybrid Regge-plus-resonance approach
2023.06.12 |
165 |
109 |
Oscillating cosmic evolution and constraints on big bang nucleosynthesis in the extended Starobinsky model
2023.05.12 |
185 |
108 |
Collapse of the N = 28 shell closure in the newly discovered 39 Na nucleus and the development of deformed halos towards the neutron dripline
2023.04.17 |
191 |
107 |
New targets for relic antineutrino capture
2023.03.14 |
244 |
106 |
Quasielastic charged-current neutrino-nucleus scattering with relativistic nuclear models
2023.02.14 |
192 |
105 |
Turbulent Magnetic Diffusivity β Effect in a Magnetically Forced System
2023.02.08 |
180 |
104 |
Recent research activities of division of nuclear physics
2023.01.26 |
171 |
103 |
Fusion reactions including weakly-bound and halo nuclei around Coulomb barrier
2023.01.20 |
168 |