연구 실적
번호 | 제목 | 파일 | 등록일 | 조회수 |
92 | [국내학술대회]59th OMEG-SSANP Workshop(2022.02.23) | 2022.12.19 | 144 | |
91 | [국제학술대회]Fundamental physics of ferroelectrics and related materials, Ferro 2022(2022.02.06-09) | 2022.12.19 | 132 | |
90 | [국내학술대회]2022 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the Korean Physical Society(2022.12.16) | 2022.12.16 | 154 | |
89 | Alpha backgrounds in the AMoRE-Pilot experiment | 2022.12.16 | 152 | |
88 | [국내학술대회]64th OMEG-SSANP Workshop(2022.12.12) | 2022.12.12 | 135 | |
87 | [국내학술대회]2022 4th OMEG Workshop(2022.01.27-28) | 2022.12.12 | 129 | |
86 | [국제학술대회]The 4th workshop on nuclear mass table with DRHBc theory(2021.12.16-18) | 2022.12.12 | 125 | |
85 | [국내학술대회] 2021 3rd RAON-OMEG Workshop(2021.12.15) | 2022.12.12 | 116 | |
84 | [국제학술대회]2021 ICAMD(2021.12.06-10) | 2022.12.12 | 108 | |
83 | [국내학술대회]2021 한국세라믹학회 추계 학술대회(2021.11.03-05) | 2022.12.12 | 118 |